Northern Glow Midwifery LLC provides relational, family centered midwifery care by a Licensed Midwife in Traverse City and surrounding Northern Michigan.
Northern Glow Midwifery LLC provides relational, family centered midwifery care by a Licensed Midwife in Traverse City and surrounding Northern Michigan.
Yes you can! While I cannot be your provider in the hospital, I can provide all of your prenatal and postpartum care and then attend your hospital birth as a support person and an advocate. Find out more information here.
A home birth is a reasonable choice for low-risk pregnancies. A low-risk person is someone who is in good health and does not have any medical conditions that would make birth more likely to have complications. A family choosing a home birth should be comfortable with the added time it would take to transfer to the hospital during complications and should feel like a having a baby at home is a reasonable and safe option. While complications are rare in low-risk pregnancies, a person choosing a home birth recognizes that there are certain risks that are out of their control no matter where they choose to birth their baby.
While some midwives choose to support these higher risk births at home, and while it is allowed under our license in the state of MI, each midwife gets to decide their own boundaries on what they feel is “safe” enough to birth at home. Personally, I do not choose to do twins, breeches or vbacs in the home birth setting. In these scenarios, I am happy to help you find a provider that fits within your own comfort level.
Midwives are trained to manage low-risk pregnancies from the beginning of pregnancy until six weeks after the baby is born. Midwives are educated to care for the mother and the baby. If the pregnancy or postpartum time requires more specialized care, midwives refer to obstetricians or pediatricians.
There are different ways in which a LM is trained. I was trained through an academic degree program accredited by MEAC (Midwifery Education Accreditation Council). I also trained under two senior and experienced midwives for three-and-a-half years, learning and managing the care of many pregnancies and births.
I have extensive training in how to manage obstetrical emergencies and how to stabilize for an emergency transfer to the hospital if needed. Licensed Midwives are held to a standard by the State of Michigan to be trained to appropriately respond to an emergency. I am certified in CPR and Neonatal Resuscitation Program; I bring supplies to manage emergencies; and I have experience transferring to the hospital.
Home birth for low risk pregnancies overseen by a Licensed Midwife is considered safe. This is one of the biggest studies on home birth in North America. Check out this very recent article and the Lancet study behind it for more information. I’m more than happy to have conversations about the steps midwives take to ensure safety.
Many people enjoy watching the documentary, Why Not Home? to get more information on what home birth can look like and why people are choosing to have their babies at home as well as the statistics on safety.
Not really! But this is such a common question because who wants a big mess in their house after having a baby?! Midwives protect your floor and bed from messes and Northern Glow Midwifery will clean up the birth tub and take it back after the birth. Midwives and assistants clean up all birth messes before leaving the house on the big birth day so that you can rest and relax with your new bundle! We also make sure you are fed!
I bring two large bags of supplies to a birth. I bring emergency equipment such as medications to stop a hemorrhage, oxygen for mom or baby, and resuscitation equipment. I also bring a wealth of information on ways to get the baby aligned, how to assure the birth is going well, a doppler to listen to fetal heart tones, and much more.
You can look it up! Click here.
Part of my philosophy of birth (and life!) is that each person is in charge of their own sacred body. When it comes to birth, you’re welcome to make your own decisions! I am here to guide and share my experiences and expertise. If you want to catch your own baby, you’re welcome to it! I will only intervene if there is a problem. During our prenatal time together, you and I develop a trusting relationship so that when I need to act, you trust my wisdom and expertise.
I have seen the first 3 seasons and then got too busy with my midwifery path, but I plan to watch the rest! I once biked to assist at a birth and I felt straight out of East London.